
  1. May 27, 2010 at 3:40 am

    Hello Welcome to My website.
    Many years ago, my website ceased functioning as a Karate site, and became a mouthpiece of my political views. Feel free to enjoy and comment on my moderately conservative views.

  2. May 27, 2010 at 3:40 am

    Drums of war!

    This blog will be short, because the attached article is long. It will also make you a world expert on N. Korean’s military capability.

    At the end of reading the article answer just one question. Do we really want to go to war with N. Korea:

    As if the US and world do not have enough problems, secretary of State Hilary Clinton has demanded the world hold N. Korea accountable for the sinking of a South Korean Ship.

    N. Korea has pushed back, even threatening all out war. It could all be a bluff. But what if it is not? N. Korean is not another easy enemy as we found in Iraq. I have provided a link to the military capability of N. Korea. It is a only article but well worth reading. As the article points out, N. Korea is on of the few nations in the world capable of fighting the U.S.!

    For Hilary Clinton this is a personal battle! As a “true war Hawk” she is spoiling for war! Besides it’s a matter of money. Secretary of Defense Gates wants to cut back on the cost of the military. Now the military, backed by Clinton wants an additional $60 billion emergency fund for the military that will not show up in the budget.

    Now is the time to beat the “Drums of War” to get more money! Money we do not have.

    Below is the link

    We are now stuck in Afghanistan fighting an enemy with used rifles, propelled launched grenades and home made bombs and we have to been able to defeat them. Are we really prepared to take on N. Korea?

  3. May 27, 2010 at 3:40 am

    Yoga – The big lie!

    Most of us in the martial arts have lived with lies about how big our competitor’s schools are, how many students they have (350-800). How much they make, and that a new millionaire being made every day in the martial arts.

    Fact: there are between 15,000-18,000 marital arts studios, Most are part-time and more than 80% of the students are under the age of eight. A typical studio has less then 80 students.

    Now enter the claims for YOGA: Yoga in the United States has more than 18 million students. One authority claims it 30 million!

  4. May 27, 2010 at 3:41 am

    Return of the Blog

    I took a few weeks off to get back to the business of opening new locations and improving existing locations.

    Here is a photo of Cliff Kelly and his new studio in Tampa Florida: Note: your location and sign will be your #1 form of advertising. This is a one time cost. All of his window sign lettering cost only $350.

    I am also in the process of writing a complete new series of Business manuals

    Drill baby drill. The war cry of Sara Palin.

    Drill here, drill now. The war cry of the republican party.

    Fact: We cannot drill ourselves out of oil dependence. The US has 4% of the worlds oil reserves, yet we consume 20% of the worlds oil reserves.

    The link below will take you to an excellent article on the real problems with offshore drilling.

     New Arizona law. What is it you do not understand about ILLEGAL? The oppositions cry: Its mean spirited. When is upholding the law and protecting Americans mean spirited? This same group wants “Open Borders” where anyone can come to the United States for any reason.

    If you are caught illegally in Mexico, it is a $4,000 fine – five years in a Mexican Prison – after your prison term, you are deported.

    The number one duty of the President of the United States is to protect the American People. I think Obama is on the wrong side of this issue. The majority of Americans – 71% Republicans – 70% independents and even 50% of the Democrats support the Arizona Law.

    The ” Congressional Budget Office” has estimated to given legal status to Illegal will cost $90 billion a year. It will cost the US Tax payers $3-$4 dollars for every $1 the illegal would add to the economy.

    Where is this money going to come from?

    The hidden meaning “Comprehensive Immigration Laws” – Translation Amnesty!

    Then came the new weasel word. They were no longer Illegal aliens. They all became “undocumented workers!” Like undocumented drug dealers, undocumented kidnappers, undocumented murders.

    In 1986 the U.S. gave all illegal Amnesty. And the assurance the government would crack down on employers who knowingly hire illegal workers. It never happened.

    American Greed

    First a local example:

    My son Mark drives a Jaguar. The cooling light came on so he took it to the local Jaguar Dealer. The cooling system had a small leak in on of the rubber hoses. The quote to repair it: $300 for the new hose and $600 to install it. Mark asked the service manage how can you quote me a price of $900 with a straight face. The service managers reply. I’ve made more ridiculous quotes then yours.

    The “Tea Party” – Two major talking points;

    1. Lower Taxes – with lower taxes companies will create more jobs.

    How much lower can you get then paying NO TAXES?

    Fact: Two out of every three United States corporations paid no federal income taxes from 1998 through 2005, according to a report released Tuesday by the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress.

    The study covers 1.3 million corporations of all sizes, most of them small, with a collective $2.5 trillion in sales. It includes foreign corporations that do business in the United States.

    Among foreign corporations, a slightly higher percentage, 68 percent, did not pay taxes during the period covered – compared with 66 percent for United States corporations.

    The Government Accountability Office said 72 percent of all foreign corporations and about 57 percent of U.S. companies doing business in the United States paid no federal income taxes for at least one year between 1998 and 2005.

    More than half of foreign companies and about 42 percent of U.S. companies paid no U.S. income taxes for two or more years in that period, the report said.

    More than 38,000 foreign corporations had no tax liability in 2005 and 1.2 million U.S. companies paid no income tax, the GAO said. Combined, the companies had $2.5 trillion in sales. About 25 percent of the U.S. corporations not paying corporate taxes were considered large corporations, meaning they had at least $250 million in assets or $50 million in receipts.

    During that time corporate sales in the United States totaled $2.5 trillion.

    The GAO said corporations escaped paying federal income taxes for a variety of reasons including operating losses, tax credits and an ability to use transactions within the company to shift income to low tax countries.

    Community organizations represented at the press conference noted Connecticut’s business taxes as a share of state economic activity (private sector gross products) are the second lowest in the nation, according to the accounting firm Ernst and Young. Eighteen of the largest 100 corporations headquartered in Connecticut during 2003 paid only $250 in corporate income taxes.

    2. Smaller government. When tax payer money goes to people its called “welfare.” When tax payers’ money goes to Corporation its called “free Market”

    Example: All 41 republican Senators voted against letting students borrow money directly from the government – as student loans. Saving students and their parents $61 Billion. Before, the Banks lent the money to the students at a higher rate to cover their profits – and all the loans were guaranteed by the US. Tax payers. The banks had no risk and a guaranteed build in profit.

    Obama – with every Republican voting again it, passed the new student loan program. Of the $61 billion in saving – $40 Billion will be set aside for Pell grants!

    The big banks were the ones that got us into this economic mess. Taxpayers have given them billions of dollars to bail them out. It just goes to show the power of big money and the power lobbyist have.

    I’m sure all 41 republican Senators were voting his true beliefs and from the bottom of his heart when they wanted struggling students and their parents to give the banks $61 Billion.

    As a general rule who wins electors?

    1. Since 1914, incumbent U.S. senators running for reelection have won almost

    80% of the time.

    2. candidates with the most money. The supreme court has ruled that corporations are individuals and under the Free speech in the Construction they can spend unlimited amounts of money on election. The cannot give the money directly to the candidates, but they can run ads asking you to vote for the candidate that will do them the most good.

    Individual fortunes. Meg Whitman’s campaign is largely self-funded. As of May 2010, the billionaire has put $57 million of her own money into the race. She was a late convert to politics. She admits most of her life she never bothered to vote. She had also taken the “pledge” to never raise taxes. But she has not pledged to not “borrow” money to get California out of its financial mess.

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